Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tut: Early Days Before Power

King Tut was born circa 1341 B.C. The background of King Tut was one of the most chaotic periods in Ancient Egypt where all of the lives of Egyptians were turned upside down. Tutankhamun was the first known as Tutankhaten, meaning  "the living image of Aten". Aten is the sun disc. Tut's father, Akhenaten ruled over Egypt while Tut was a child. Akhenaten drastically changed the religious beliefs of Egypt because of his own beliefs. Akhenaten changed Egypt from a polytheistic religion to a monotheistic religion, forcing everyone to worship one god, Aten, instead of the many gods they were used to. In Ancient Egypt, the Egyptians worshiped the many gods, around 2000 of them, for thousands of years. Akhenaten used the army to get people to switch over to worshiping Aten and ordered all images of any other god to be destroyed. Then, Tut took over the throne at about nine years old because his father was problably forced to abdicate then died soon after.

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