Friday, December 7, 2012

Tut: During Power

Tut took over the throne at age nine and reigned for about ten years. At the same time Tut took over he married his half-sister Ankhesenamun. Since Tut was such a young age when he took over, an elder problably took control for the first few years. This person was known as Ay, who bore the title of Vizier. Foreign policy had been neglected during Akhenaten's reign, so Tut planned to restore some of the friendships with Egypt's neighbors. Even though he did this there were still battles between Egypt and the Nubians and Asiatics. Tut was trained in the military and there was some evidence that he was a good archer. Tut internally sought to restore the old order in hopes that the gods would once again look favorably on Egypt. He oversaw the completion of the red granite lions at Soleb and ordered the repair of holy sites. He also continued construction at the temple of Karnack. Tut was a great king, but died at the age of 18 or 19, leaving Egypt with a lot of turmoil because he didn't have any children.

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